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Sentence Structure Notes
A sentence must have a subject and a predicate. A subject tells who or what the sentence is about. A predicate tells about the subject...what it is and/or what it is doing.
A sentence fragment is missing either the subject or the predicate.
A run-on is two complete sentences that are joined together without the proper support (i.e. punctuation, conjunction).
Two-word sentences that rock!!
They race.-- Jerry Spinelli Loser
Matt froze.-- Nancy Farmer House of Scorpion
Blood flew.--Stephen King Cujo
Stems: super -- itis (Note: I will add the example vocabulary words and the origins.)
super over
syn together
sym together
tri three
un not
archy government
ard always
cide kill
ician specialist
itis inflammation
Prepositions are Never Alone!
Meet Mr. Preposition
Mr. Preposition is Never Alone!
Prepositional Phrase Pattern
Mr. Preposition is Never Alone!
What is a preposition you ask?
Definition – it is a word that relates the noun or pronoun following it (its object) to another word in the sentence.
Example: John is carrying his brother on his back. (See how the preposition shows the relationship between John and is brother?)
The Preposition Song Sung to the tune of “Yankee Doodle”
With on for after at by in
Against instead of near between
Through over up according to
Around about beyond into
Until within without upon
From above across along
Toward before behind below
Beneath beside during under
STEMS -- aqua-logy
Aqua water aquarium, aquatic, aquifer Latin
Audi hear audience, audition, auditory Latin
Bell war bellicose, belligerent, rebel Latin
Cap take capture, captive, captor Latin
Cise cut incisors, incision, precise Latin
Bio life biography, biology, biochemistry Greek
Auto self autobiography, automobile, autograph Greek
Port carry transport, import, report Latin
Scrib write scribble, inscribe, describe Latin
Logy science biology, geology, entomology Greek