Stem meaning examples origin
Eu good eulogy, euphemism, Europe Greek
Endo within endoplasm, endocrine, endoskeleton Greek
Phobia fear claustrophobia, acrophobia, agoraphobia Greek
Ortho straight orthodontist, orthopedics, orthodox Greek
Put think reputation, dispute, computer Latin
Ver true verify, veracity, veritable Latin
Matri mother matricide, matron, matriarch Latin
Mega large megalith, megaphone, megalomania Greek
Pop people popular, populist, populate Latin
Sangui blood sanguine, consanguinity, sangfroid Latin
Stem meaning examples origin_____
Dorm sleep dormitory, dormant, dormancy Latin
Pater father paternalistic, patronize, paternity Latin
Nov new novel, novice, innovate Latin
Punct point punctuate, puncture, punctual Latin
Ject throw eject, reject, inject Latin
Tion act/state completion, reaction, devastation Latin
Loco place location, local, dislocate Latin
Dox opinion orthodox, indoctrinate, paradox Greek
Amphi both amphibious, amphitheater Greek
Magn great Magna Carta, magnanimous, magnate Latin
Check out this space for upcoming and ongoing assignments!
Autobiography in a Bag instructions:
Autobiography in a Bag
Mrs. Baer
ELA 7th Grade
Due Date: Thursday, September 2, 2010 (Tues. 9/7 for 3rd period)
1. Choose a bag that says or illustrates something about you.
2. Fill the bag with an assortment of items that represent some part of your life.
3. You should have a minimum of three items and no more than eight items.
4. You will include a brief written autobiography. This should be no more than five paragraphs.
5. You must present your bag to the class, explaining why you have selected your chosen items.
Stems ante-extra
Anti against antibody, antidote, antithesis Greek
Bi two bilateral, biped, binocular Latin
Circum around circumnavigate, circumspect, circus Latin
Com together combination, comfort, commensurate Latin
Con together contract, confederate, conjunction Latin
De down deposit, descent, deduct Latin
Dis away distract, distort, dissonant Latin
Equi equal equitable, equilateral, equinox Latin
Extra beyond extraterrestrial, extrovert Latin
Interest Inventory 8/30/2010
It has been a long time since I was in Middle School. I like to keep track of things that you like. You can help me by filling out this survey. It will also help me get to know you a little better! Please take some time to complete this. Thanks!
Name______________________________ Age_________ Birthday_____________
My family members are
When I grow up I want to
My closest friends are
My favorite things to do are
Here are my favorites:
Radio station ___________Magazines ________
Sports________________ Hobbies___________
Books ________________ Movies___________
Music________________ Clothes____________
Group/Singer___________Sports Team?_______
Food ________________Junk Food__________
One thing people don’t know about me is____________
A skill I have is _______________________________
A person that I admire is _____________ because __________
Something I would like to do better is ____________
The thing I like most about school is______________
The thing I like least about school is______________
My previous teachers would tell you this about me ________
I am proud of myself when I __________________
Watch the News:
View the 6:30 or the 7:00 national news. These are broadcast on the local affiliates of ABC, CBS, FOX or NBC. You may also view CNN or Headline news.
Complete the following: 1. Jot list 10 things you notice about the news. This can be anything, including clothing. 2. Watch three news stories. One must be International, Naltional, and Human Interest stories. Write a short description about each of the three. 3. Watch the national news. Look for 10 stories. Jot down the main idea for each story. 4. Watch the newscasts for five (5) different stories. Describe the "hook" or "lead" for each of the 5 different leads.
Book Reviews and Guidelines for Writing a Book Review
Assigned: 10/4/2010 DUE: 10/21/2010
1. Tell the title of the book, the author’s name.
2. Start with a sentence that grabs your audience’s attention. Know your audience!
3. Supply details:
a. What is the book about?
b. If you have read other books by this writer, tell how this book is like or unlike them.
c. State the theme of the book: What message or idea is the writer trying to persuade readers to agree to?
4. Know your intention. Are you recommending this book for everyone to read? Just for classmates with special interests? To no one, because you think the book has serious flaws?
5. Decide on a tone for your report. Will you be serious? Funny? Informal? Formal? Worried? Happy?
My Plan for a Book Review:
1. Book Title:
2. A (genre: novel, biography, science fiction story, etc.) by (author’s name)
3. What audience might be especially interested in this kid of book?
4. Write an opening sentence to grab the audience’s attention.
5. In one sentence, summarize what the book is about.
6. In one or two sentences, tell what other books the author has written and/or what other stories this book is like.
7. Who are the main characters?
8. What is the setting?
9. What is the theme, or main idea, the writer tries to get across?
10. In your opinion, what are the weak points of the book?
11. In your opinion, what are the strong points of the book?
12. Will you encourage your friends to read this book? Tell why or why not.
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